Being a teacher in nowadays Romania is not such an easy ride! And certainly not a free one! The "connaisseurs" know it well. And every once in a while, I get that feeling of giving up on teaching, that "I've had enough of this" look on my face and the "I'll be out of here by the next year" attitude. It happened to me this summer.

Today, I saw that same look on one of my colleagues' face and I recommended her the ONE thing that always works for me : watching DANGEROUS MINDS, a 1995 movie in which Michelle Pfeiffer is doing a brilliant job as an actress.

I came across this movie by accident, because its title has never invited me to view it. But after watching it, I decided that being a teacher is the most wonderful thing in the world. I realised that for a teacher, especially for one who works in difficult conditions,getting the students to come to school or to graduate qualifies as a great victory or progress, while for other teachers, making progress means only getting results at the national olimpics.

When I first saw the movie, my thoughts were : " Those students are below the human level! Those teaching conditions are unimaginable!". Unfortunately, year after year, I came to realise that our students start to resemble more and more to the students from the movie and being a teacher in Romania has many things in common with the teachers in the movie....

Don't you believe me? Just watch the movie! The answer you will find is going to be sad, but true...Dangerous minds...it takes a wizard to master them...or a witch...


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